
An Ocean of Recorded Teachings

The Simply Sharing association is in possession of an ocean of audio recordings of Lakha Lama’s many teachings. The lakhalama.org project expect to release more episodes of the “Eight Verses for Training the Mind” over the coming months. With your financial support, we will be able to release many more hours of Lakha Lama’s precious teachings, along with transcriptions. You can make donations at www.simplysharing.org.

Lama Atisha (980-1054 C.E.) introduced the lojong tradition (also known as “mind training” or “thought transformation”) of Mahayana practice in Tibet. Lojong teachings are quintessential Mahayana teachings in that their aim is to eliminate both the self-cherishing attitude and self-grasping. Like the stages of the path teachings, the mind training tradition is one that is embraced by all Tibetan lineages. The lojong root text was composed by Kadampa Geshe Langri Tangpa (1054–1123).

FPTM, Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition

LYWA, The Lama Yeshe Wisdom Archive


July 2015, Bisserup, Denmark

Lakha Lama is setting the scene—or rather the mind—to survey the Eight Verses for Training the Mind and begin to work with it.


July 2015, Bisserup, Denmark

Lakha Lama is sharing the deeper meaning and understanding of the first verse, which is about seeing all beings as precious and holding them dear.


July 2015, Bisserup, Denmark

Lakha Lama is sharing how to counteract arrogance and to develop respect by
cultivating a humble attitude, along with examining and taming the mind.


July 2015, Bisserup, Denmark

Lakha Lama is sharing why and how to open up to people and situations you find unpleasant, by using them as opportunities to practice patience.


July 2015, Bisserup, Denmark

Lakha Lama is sharing how we can refrain from engaging in the winning-losing paradigm and by that obtaining a calmer and more peaceful mind.


July 2015, Bisserup, Denmark

Lakha Lama is sharing how we can use hardship, pain and sickness to strengthen our inner calmness and mental capacity, and to purify negative karmic patterns.