
It would be very difficult
if the task was that we
were all to be alike.
I think it will be easier
to appreciate diversity.

Life is simple when you
do not make it

The feeling of grief
at losing someone
is a result of

The key to
transforming grief
is appreciation.

Sometimes the best help
is not to disturb.

Respect is in the heart:
boundaries are in the head.
Showing respect is not really
about making others happy
and content.
It has something to do
with one’s own approach
and attitude.​

To be or not to be
that is you decision.

When you are willing
to lose everything,
you are on the verge on
mastering everything.

When you are not
afraid of your fears,
fear cannot
dominate you.

If you want evil to end,
be careful not to get
caught up in it.

When you forget about
you get a lot of it.

Good and good enough
are two things.
What is good?
What is good enough?
Be good.
Forget about enough.

When you give
another person space,
you find space for yourself.